Episode 414 – The AFTN Soccer Show (Freakshow – Galaxy v Whitecaps, the MLS run-in, Supporters Shield controversy)

Episode 414 – The AFTN Soccer Show (Freakshow – Galaxy v Whitecaps, the MLS run-in, Supporters Shield controversy)

The latest AFTN Soccer Show is out and we’ve another packed, but slightly shorter, show of Vancouver Whitecaps and Major League Soccer chat for you again this week.

The Whitecaps headed out of Portland for the final time this regular season, going down to a 1-0 loss at LA Galaxy. We pick over the bones of the defeat, look at where it all went wrong, and hear the thoughts of ‘Caps coach Marc Dos Santos.

The MLS season run-in looks set to go down to the wire and the Whitecaps are still in the mix. We look at the current standings, the path ahead, and chat about this weekend’s controversy surrounding the non-awarding of the Supporters Shield this season.

Here’s the rundown for the main segments from the episode:

02.10: LA Galaxy v Vancouver Whitecaps postgame review
22.09: Marc Dos Santos postgame thoughts
29.40: More Whitecaps chat
45.49: Have You Heard? – Paris Street Rebels – Freakshow
51.04: The MLS standings and season run-in
61.00: MLS Supporters Shield controversy
66.24: Wavelength – Dive In The Box – Away Match Rules

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Authored by: Michael McColl

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