Episode 244 – The AFTN Soccer Show (Centre Of The Whitecaps Universe with guests Kendall Waston and Tim Parker)
We’re two weeks away from the start of the new MLS season, the excitement is building but is there optimism or concern amongst the Vancouver Whitecaps fanbase? What do you think?!
There’s two more preseason matches in the books, we take a look back at what, if anything, we can take from those and we sit down for chats with the ‘Caps two defensive rocks – Kendall Waston and Tim Parker.
And there’s still time for Kei Kamara to talk about his favourite season, David Norman Jr to tell us if he fancies a chocolate digestive, look at some other football news from around world, and The Pogues and The Dubliners feature in this week’s Wavelength section.
Here’s the full episode rundown of the main segments from the show:
02.00: Whitecaps News of the Week – Vegas match, campers leave, lower bowl opening
22.30: Kendall Waston interview and discussion
39.43: Whitecaps v LAFC
49.55: Tim Parker interview and discussion
61.19: Kei Kamara’s Favourite Season
63.32: Trivia draft picks revealed
74.02: MLS News of the Week – MLS Live, Kaku, TFC, Screaming Eagles
85.19: Anyone Fancy A Chocolate Digestive – David Norman Jr
88.48: Wavelength – The Pogues and The Dubliners – Jack’s Heroes
92.47: BC Soccerweb headlines
The AFTN Soccer Show is brought to you in partnership with BCsoccerweb.com, your one stop site for all your BC, Canadian, and North American soccer news and links.
Have a listen!
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