Episode 311 – The AFTN Soccer Show (Finding Our Way – ‘Caps options, Russell Teibert, MLS, CanMNT, CanPL and more)

Episode 311 – The AFTN Soccer Show (Finding Our Way – ‘Caps options, Russell Teibert, MLS, CanMNT, CanPL and more)

Offseason. What offseason? It’s a busy time in Whitecapsland and in the world of MLS and Canadian football in general, and we’ve got it all covered as usual in this week’s episode.

As the ‘Caps and others in MLS revealed which player options were and weren’t picked up, we look at what Vancouver players will likely be here next season and which ones definitely won’t. Are those not coming back more telling of the kind of team Marc Dos Santos wants to build rather than those that are? Plus Russell Teibert tells us how excited he is for 2019 under the new ‘Caps coach.

We’ll also look at what MLS players are available from other clubs and who the ‘Caps may want to take a look at. Plus we look back at this week’s MLS Conference finals and talk the Canadian national team with John Herdman and Russell Teibert.

All this plus Canadian Premier League chat, and we talk take out food with David Edgar, Fish and Chips with Stefan Marinovic, and The Business are back in this week’s Wavelength section.

Here’s the full episode rundown of the main segments from the show:

03.15: Whitecaps options revealed
17.04: Russell Teibert audio
20.55: Whitecaps roster building/MLS options
45.04: Fish and Chips with Stefan Marinovic
46.47: MLS Conference Finals chat
55.19: Whitecaps Year In Review (Part Two – March and April)
74.26: Canadian Men’s national team chat – with audio from John Herdman and Russell Teibert
89.15: David Edgar Take Me Out
91.27: Canadian Premier League chat
100.34: Wavelength – The Business – Maradona
105.45: BC Soccerweb headlines – a look at some stories from around the football world

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Authored by: Michael McColl

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