Timewasting: Top Ten Signs For A Football Manager That Your Days Are Numbered
(10) Players use air quotes when talking about the “manager” in interviews
(9) The Club mascot has a bigger office than you do
(8) Training gets moved to a new location and nobody tells you
(7) During the latest team photoshoot, you are positioned on the left for easy photoshopping later
(6) Your management team are already referring to you in the past tense
(5) Your name has become common slang for when things go wrong
(4) Stadium security give you regular patdowns as you leave to make sure you’re not taking any Club pens home with you
(3) The GPS in your Club car has a Service Canada Centre set as default location
(2) Your local Chinese restaurant names a special dish after you – Lame Duck
(1) Your name is Tommy Soehn
I love this so much