Episode 259 – The AFTN Soccer Show (Bad Weekend with guests Jordan Harvey and Russell Teibert)
Sick of teams from LA yet? I know we are.
LAFC came to BC Place on Friday night and fairly easily picked apart an uninspiring and disappointing Kamaraless Vancouver Whitecaps. We do some picking ourselves, as we pick over the bones of the 2-0 loss, ponder where it all went wrong, how it can be improved, can we cope without Kei, where’s the creativity, and where do some players fit into this team. We also get postgame reaction from both head coaches – LA’s Bob Bradley and Vancouver’s Carl Robinson.
Plus we sit down for a chat with Russell Teibert and talk with Jordan Harvey about his homecoming.
We’ll also look at the weekend’s action amongst the MLS Western Conference teams and Flyscreen feature in this week’s Wavelength section with a song about Panini stickers and Willie Johnston.
Here’s the full episode rundown of the main segments from the show:
03.45: Whitecaps v LAFC match analysis
28.40: Bob Bradley and Carl Robinson audio
36.15: Techera’s tackle and Felipe’s flop
42.15: Trying to solve some Whitecaps woes – home blanks, lack of creativity, fitting players in, rankings, polls, mailbag
80.55: Russell Teibert interview and discussion
86.23: Quick look ahead to Kansas City
89.10: Quickfire MLS West Week in Review and CCL chat
95.58: Jordan Harvey interview and discussion
103.32: BC Soccerweb headlines
114.06: Wavelength – Flyscreen – Your Phil Neal for my WIllie Johnston
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Robbo’s 5th season, LAFC’s 5th game- which team looked like they had a purpose, well coached, could bring the ball out of the back, play in tight spaces. The Caps have been in the top third (perhaps slowly starting to drift down) on player spending, Robbo picks the players….but you were happy to use the wage factor as Robbo’s last line of defense….that will probably be your major point of creativity going forward – the Robbo gambit -.”victim of circumstances.”
Robbo went out and made the thirty year old Juarez a TAM transfer/wage player – LAFC paid a transfer to Louisville FC for the 23 year old canuck Kaye – whom would you rather have- at probably half the price or less?
Teibert had a dreadful last two games he played in ’17 , nicknamed “Cinderella”, this season he has had a rebound, proven that he can play in the MLS – but the constant raving about his play? Who would you rather have, Kaye or Teibert? (That was a rhetorical question.) If he is constantly ranked in the top 5 players each match – the Caps have descended into mediocrity.
I honestly don’t know where you guys go from here – the triumvirate muddies the water – not fit for drinking.Mr. McColl – perhaps being a decent host – but I have no idea -jokes open to interpretation -where you stand on numerous crucial Caps issues.You perhaps are in a tricky place – at training, need interviews, write for MLSsoccer.com – I don’t know how you feel it impacts your verbals on the team – but its starting not to be palatable.
Interesting. I thought we’d made our various stalls quite clear. The three of us aren’t in agreement on it all. You say we’re not being critical. Others have accused us of being too critical for this stage of the season.
I think we’ve been fairly critical and Robbo and a few of the players this season. Clearly you don’t.
We’ll keep doing what we’re doing, and remember no-one is forcing you to listen if it’s got that unpalatable!
I wasn’t suggesting you’re all singing from the same hymn book – but at the end of a lengthy discussion, the “second look” – “we didn”t play that bad,” , not much happened in the first half, kinda even play” – ended with a basic pass on that match – yes, it was mentioned that the team was flat, hard to pick out a stand-out player, read some mean tweets…but the show kind of left it – reflecting on the match – at a shrug, on to the next match, summation.
The defense always seems to triumph over the prosecution – someone defends the team, a player, coach and there’s no one on the show who really presses the opposite point. I know it’s tough when you inter-act – like yourself – or passionate supporters like Zach and Steve – of the team, it’s tough to ahhh talk tough.
The fact that you tossed in a melody with Willie in the refrain – and I didn’t give kudos -suggests I wasn’t brought up properly – I’m afraid that’s strictly down to me.
One flaw with your “remember no-one is forcing you to listen” -you’re the man for Caps addicts – just would enjoy a purer hit!
Zach and me definitely come at things from a different viewpoint. He is clearly in the blame the FO camp. For me, I feel Robbo needs to change his tactics and be far more adaptable. A lot of it is also tied in with the lack of FO funds, but they’re not exactly poor spenders either. 9th in all of MLS last year.
Do I think Robbo should go now? No. partly because I genuinely feel this is the best squad we’ve had in MLS. if they fail to make the playoffs, then yeah, time for new ideas. If they go on a superbad run, same thing to save the season.
This team can easily be turned into contenders if they change the way they play and are not so predictable.
I know people don’t like my by any means necessary mantra (I get told that a lot!), but that only holds for me if they get results. Boring/poor play and defeats would make this untenable. We need fight. We need creativity. That comes from the players. We are sorely lacking a dynamic number 10 figure.
I do agree we kind of brushed it off and moved on int he end but I was quite worn down by then as we’d way overrun talking about it.
FWIW, our discussion to the point you raised last show and who we would replace Robbo with caused something of a shitstorm, which I’ll cover in a future show!